PREPOSITION Read the following sentences carefully : 1 . There are four eggs in the nest . 2. He is fond of tea. 3. Karan fell into the pool. In sentence 1 , the word in shows the relationship between two things like eggs and nest. In sentence 2 , t he word of shows the relationship between the attribute expressed by the adjective fond and tea. In sentence 3 , the word into shows the relationship between the action expressed by the verb fell and the pool. The words in , of , into are here used as Preposition . Definition : A Preposition is a word usually preceded by a noun or pronoun to show the relationship between the person or a thing . Preposition means pre - position ....A word that is placed prior to noun or pronoun. Preposition joins a noun to another noun , a noun to an adjective and even a noun to a verb. KINDS OF PREPOSITION 1 . Simple preposition : like : At , by , for, from, in , of, off, on, out ,through, till ,to ,up...