The diary of a young girl [important question answers]
The diary of a young girl [ question answers ]

Ques 1. Anne found a friend in her diary . comment.
Ans 1. Anne was a very shy and an introvert . She had friends but none with whom she could share her secrets . She never confided in any of them . On her thirteenth birthday , she was presented a red and white checkered diary by her parents . The first sight of the diary had made Anne grow a liking for it and started entering her deep thoughts and feelings into it . She gave it a name 'Kitty' and in all her entries she referred to it as 'Dear Kitty'. There was no aspect of her life which she did not mention in the diary. Whenever she found time , she 'spent' it with the diary . She wrote about teenage desires , her friends , her fears , her loneliness. She had always felt a need for a friend which she found in her diary.
Ques 2. Anne's relationship with her mother was never simple .What created the tension and discord ? Why ?
Ans 2. Anne's relationship with her mother was never simple . She often felt that she and her mother were exact opposite of each other. Even when they weren't actually fighting with words , Anne says that there was always a silent battle going on between them . Anne, at first believes that the reason for all the tension and discord between them was because her mother never understood her feelings . She always felt that her mother lacked real motherliness. She did not fit into the image of a perfect mother that Anne had in her mind which was why she had never been able to call her mumsie .She had failed to provide Anne the support she needed when she was going through faces of struggle .She would always scold her , ask her to be better behaved , ask her to talk less, but never really supported her .
Anne also does not like it when her mother treats her like a baby.She never looks up to mother and always says that she doesn't want to grow up to become like her.
Anne however, later regret having written very harshly about her mother .She felt that her mother possibly going through tough times too and had landed up in trouble many times because of her . She feels that she perhaps took her mother too seriously .When she scolded her and answered in a rude manner at which her mother would take offence .
Ques 3. How did Anne and her family reach the 'Secret Annexe '?
Ans 3. The Frank family received a call -up notice . The family got scared as the vision of the concentration camps and the lonely calls was frightening . They decided to go into hiding as the call- up notice was for Margot and not Otto Frank. They started making preparations by sending their clothes, food and furniture to other people as they neither wanted their belongings to be seized by Germans nor did they want to be taken into their clutches . It was a month earlier than they had planned but the decision had been taken . Anne and Margot packed the most important things in a schoolbag. No Jew in such a situation would dare to leave the house with a suitcase full of belongings . They wrapped themselves in many layers of clothes as if hey were going to spend a night in a refrigerator. Margot took her bike to reach the secret annexe where as the other three members walked in the pouring rain Miep and Jan helped them in shifting their baggage. They left the house in a mess to create an impression that they helped them in shifting their baggage . They left the house in a mess to create an impression that they had left in a hurry.
Ques 4. What do you know about Mr. keesing , Anne's Maths teacher ?
Ans 4. The school where Anne went to receive her education had nine teachers out of which seven were men. Her Maths teacher , Mr. Keesing , was one of those seven . He was a very strict teacher . He didn't like anyone talking in the class whereas , Anne talked too much . One day he assigned her a extra piece of home-work which was an essay on ' A Chatterbox ' . Anne understood what her teacher wanted from her . She finished her assignment and decided to stay quiet in the class . She wrote the essay with convincing arguments to prove necessity of talking .Mr. Kessing liked her arguments that she was like her mother who was more talkative than her . Thus , it was her inherited trait . Mr. Kessing , being a hard task master wanted to ridicule Anne and so gave her two more assignments ' Quack Quack Quack ' and ' An Incorrigible Chatterbox ' . Anne took the help of her friend to write about the topic in verse and emerged successful . Mr. Keesing took the joke in the right way and allowed Anne to talk in the class . He understood that he had been wrong in telling her not to talk and in giving her extra homework .
Ques 5. What do you know about the eighth resident of the Secret Annexe ?
Ans 5. Alfred Dussel , the eight resident of the Secret Annexe , was a dentist and an acquaintance of the Franks who hid with them in the annexe . He shared a room with Anne , who suffered the brunt of his odd personal hygiene habits , pedantic lectures , and controlling tendencies . Mr. Dussel's wife was a Christian , so she did not go into hiding , and he was separated from her . He never cared for the feelings of others and turned out to be an irresponsible person . He was the eight entrant of the house. The other residents of the annexe found him to be a selfish man who never bothered about others. He never cared for the feelings of others. None of them ever found him to be helpful in any matter. He was not a contributing figure. He always remained confined to himself. The people of the annexe did not like him. At many occasions , he committed a mistake , and later apologized for it but
only to repeat it again. He was an ungrateful person who showed irresponsible behavior throughout his stay at the annexe.
Anne disliked him for his self-centered nature. He used to scold her and made it a a point to tell her about her shortcomings. Anne had shared her room with him but when she asked him to let her use the table for two more hours he bluntly refused , giving Anne a shock. He was not in the good books
of others as later the residents found that he started hiding eatables in the cupboard.
He was an irresponsible man as he disobeyed the restrictions posed on the residents due to the war.
He died in a concentration camp in December 1944 .
Ques 6. ''The Diary of a Young Girl '' focuses on variety of themes . Discuss ?
Ans 6. Hope , faith and optimism rule the maximum part of entries of the 1944 diary of Anne Frank .The Dutch had to face many problems like scarcity of food, cruelty shown towards them , depression setting in people , stress, tension etc but still there was a ray of hope with the british invasion .They were of the opinion that the British troops would liberate them . There was excitement all around with the news of the British invasion and the taking over of a village at the French coast which would help them in bringing things which they wanted. Anne felt the restoration of peace and tranquility in the near future with the end of cruelty . She herself had this hope and she filled in others also with hope and optimism .
Ques 7. What does Anne's diary reveal about the steadily worsening economic and social conditions during the war?
Ans 7. Kitty, Anne's diary reveals a lot about the prevailing economic and social conditions which were worsening day by day during the war . Burglaries , thefts , breaking were all very common. There was scarcity of eatables which made people stand in queues for vegetables and other kinds of goods . Little children used to break the windows to steal whatever they could lay their hand on. People wore torn and worn out clothes as they didn't have proper clothes . Men were being shipped off to Germany. People were falling ill but the doctors could not attend them because their vehicles used to get stolen the moment they turned their backs . Children were under nourished or sick in the absence of proper food. There was chaos everywhere . Prices of various things had risen . Black - marketing was in full swing . Even the policeman and the night watchmen had got into the acts of thefts and burglaries due to scarcity . Wages had been frozen so almost everyone had started deceiving others . So the combination were shifting from bad to worse.
Ques 8. What is your impression about Peter ?
Ans 8. Peter Van Daan was the teenage son of the Van Daans, whose real name was Peter Van Pets . Anne first saw Peter as obnoxious , lazy and hypersensitive , but later they both became close friends . Peter was a quiet , timid and honest boy who was sweet to Anne . During their time in the Annexe , Anne and Peter developed a romantic attraction , but he failed to express hos love openly .
He liked reading books and especially if they were meant for adult reading . Once hr hid in the loft to read one such book and got so engrossed in reading that he forgot to come down for dinner . His father came up to call him and hit him hard when he found him reading the book . He was refused dinner that night which he resented . He didn't like his parents authoritative nature , but being shy , he never told them about it . He got emotionally alievated from them .
At a later stage , he expressed his desire to become a criminal . Anne disapproved of it . She realised that he wanted to be successful but did not want to work hard for it. He was forced to take part in the ' death march ' and died on 5 th May 1945.