by bo$ki

                                            ''  Creation of god ,warrior of strain
                                               Fragile yet tenacious , beauty with brain  
                                              Gracious is she  , and so as impregnable
                                             A mound of determination WOMEN - IMPENETRABLE !  ''   

''WOMEN ''  one of the best creation of God on Earth ,to make the Earth beautiful and strong. Women is not only a beautiful creation  , she is also a  shower of blessing , an idol of love and devotion , a signature of sacrifice and a bunch of talent . Despite of such human qualities she is still tend to keep inferior in comparison to men . Therefore ,now its high time to pay heed towards thrive on women empowerment. Women empowerment , or we can say gender equality, actually means to provide women with its power  of decision making , rights ,freedom in order to bring equality in society .

'' The search for human freedom can never be complete without freedom for women ''  
                                                                                                            betty ford ,former US First Lady     India being a democratic country and it has been years we attain freedom , but still Indian women is considered to be menial to men . In our male dominated society , few people have synchronised some of the synonyms with women , like - weak , delicate , dumb , foolish etc etc ...
But if she is delicate then who is Mary Com ? . If she is weak ,then who is Geeta Phogat ? If she is not wise ,then who was Indira Gandhi ? If she is coward , then who was kalpana Chawla ?
She is absolutely a perfect combination of beauty and brain , she is tolerant enough yet courageous,
She has touched the sky , she has measured the oceans and no such field is left where she has not left her foot prints.
But still our country need to work upon her status in society.  Still she is admired to sit at home and treat family , still she is assumed to be the weakest part of the society, despite of many remarkable achievements. The modern society needs to bring change in their mind set , needs to bring sociological empowerment among women to address the social and gender discrimination processes in the society . Women empowerment may solve lots of social issues  as well as bring growth and development of the nation on right track.
    '' To call woman the weaker sex is a libel ; it is man's injustice to woman .If by strength is meant            brute strength, then , indeed, is woman is immeasurably man's superior . Has she not greater                intuition , is she not more self sacrificing , has she not greater power of endurance , has she not            greater courage ? Without her, man could not be . If nonviolence is the law of our being , the
       future is with woman . Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman ? ''
                                                                                                               Mahatma Gandhi
Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai famously quoted '' I raised up my voice - not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard ... We cannot succeed when half of us are held back .''
Here, in this current age , true development and growth can only be achieved by taking successful strides in eliminating deep - rooted ideologies of gender bias and discrimination like the confinement of women to the private domestic realm , restrictions on their mobility, poor access to health services, nutrition , education and employment , and exclusion from the public and political sphere.

 All we need is the support and an organised approach from the government and law enforcement agencies of the country to focus in the right direction and would rest only with liberation of women from all forms of evil.


  1. women empowerment is to empower women by promoting their participation in all areas and sectors to build stronger economics improve quality of life and piring gender equality the cover everything that bothers women lives from female empowerment stories to beauty and fashion the trends and relationship and career to actionable advice.

    women empowerment


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