Conjuctions by bo$ki


What are Conjunctions ?

Read the following sentences carefully :

1.      Three and three makes six.
2.       He is very rich but he is not happy.
3.       I read the paper because it interests  me.

In sentence 1 , word “and” joins two words .
In sentence 2, word ‘’ but’’ joins two  clauses.
In sentence 3, word ‘’because’’ joins one dependent clause to the main clause  .
 Here the words  – and , but and because play the role of linkers or connectors , which help to link words , phrases and clauses together.

Definition : ‘’A Conjunction is a word which merely joins words , phrases and clauses together ‘’.

They are also known as Linkers, Connectors or joining words. Basically Conjunctions helps us to avoid the usage of multiple short sentences to express a complex idea .
For example  - I like drawing . I like painting . I don’t like painting on walls .
The above given  series of sentences could be shorten up by using appropriate conjunctions .
Like – I like drawing and painting , but I don’t like painting walls.

 Kinds of Conjunction

11.   Coordinating conjunctions
. 2.   Correlative conjunctions
33. Subordinate conjunction

   1.   Coordinating conjunctions :
   Words which help to join  two independent clauses or sentences of equal rank  are called coordinating
c  conjunctions.

     Coordinating conjunctions are further divided into four types :

 a.   Cumulative : Which merely add one statement to another .
F for eg :                                                                                                                                                         
   Rakhi is beautiful as well as kind.
   Akbar was both a king and social reformer

   b. Adversative : Which express contrast between two statements 
F for eg :
    He is slow , but he is honest .
I   I was annoyed , still I kept quiet .

  c.    Alternative :  Which express  a choice between  two alternatives .
    for eg :
    She must work hard ,or she will fail .
     Either she will do , or she will die .

     d. Illative :  Which express the conclusion drawn  by logical judgement .
    For eg :
     All precautions must be taken , for Dengue  has widely spread .
S   Someone is on the door , for I heard a knock.

Chief coordinating conjunctions are : for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so .
You can remember them by using mnemonic device FANBOYS
·         Any of the coordinating conjunctions , with the exception of ,or ,nor may be omitted and its place taken by comma , semi colon , or colon .
·         Use comma when a coordinating conjunction joins two independent clauses.

2. Correlative conjunctions 

Conjunctions which are used in pairs are called correlative conjunctions .
For eg :
 either /or
neither / nor
Though /yet
Both /and
Not only/ but also
Whether /or
·   Conjunctions when used as correlatives must be placed immediately before the word to be connected .For eg 
·   Not only he is foolish ,but also obstinate. .
·   I shall go , whether you come or not .
·   We both love and respect him .

3. Subordinate  conjunctions

 A subordinate conjunction helps to join a dependent clause to an independent  one .
The chief subordinating conjunctions are : after , before , though . although , till , unless, if , because , that , as, when , where , while .

Few examples :
1.  He ran away because he was afraid .
2.  You will pass if you work hard .
3.   Since you say so , I must believe it .


Fill in the blanks  with coordinating and correlative conjunctions :
Remember FANBOYS [for, and , nor, but, or , yet , so]

          Two __ two makes four.
2.       He is slow ___ hardworking .
3.       Bread ___ milk is a wholesome food.
4.       Is that story true ___ false ?
5.       The purse has been lost ___ stolen ?
6.       Sunil was looking for his pen _____ could not find it .
7.       He well deserve this award , ____ he has worked hard.
8.       It is ____ useful ___ ornamental.
9.       ______ he is foolish , ______ obstinate .
1.   I do not care _____ you go ___ stay.


Find out the conjunction in the following sentences and state whether it is coordinating , correlative or subordinating conjunction :

1.       Shrey is tall , but  Manya is taller .
2.       He is kind and humble .
3.        He is richer than me .
4.       Do not go before I leave .
5.       I waited till the train arrived .
6.       Catch me if you can .
7.       You will be late unless you hurry.
8.       We eat so that we may live .
9.       You will pass if you work hard .
1.   I read news paper because it interests me .

Exercise  3

Join each pair of the following sentences by means of  a suitable conjunction . Make changes if required .

1.       My brother is well . My sister is ill.
2.       He did not succeed . He worked hard .
3.       He is poor. He is contented.
4.       I honour him . He is a brave man .
5.       He sat down . He was tired.
6.       He finished first. He began late.
7.       My grand father died. I was born
8.       I believe him . He is honest .
9.       He is rich . He is not happy .
1.   He is not a knave . He is not foolish .


Fill in the suitable subordinate conjunction :

 Do not go _____ I return 
She has been ill ____ she arrived in Mumbai .
3.       He worked hard ___ that he may pass.
4.       Suresh looks _____ he were a king .
5.       ____ it is already late ,____ let us go to bed.
6.       ____ you sow, ___ shall you reap .
7.       You cannot enter the hall ____ you show the ticket .
8.       Cotton is more useful _____ silk .
9.      They left the room ____ the clock struck one.
1.   He is rich ____ ,he is not happy.


Choose the most suitable option :

11.   The shops were closed , ____ I could not buy  a book .
aa.   but
bb.      And
cc.       Because
dd.      So

2.2       Why is he dressed ___ a woman ?
aa.     As
bb.      It
cc.       Before
dd .     After

3.3     Run fast ___ you will miss the school van .
aa.       But
bb  .    Or
cc  .     And
d.d      For

4.4      The teacher was angry ___ the children were making noise .
aa.       And
b.b      But
c.c       Or
d.d      Because

55.       Holi is the festival of colour ___ fun.
a.a       And
b.b      But
c.c       Or
d.d      So

6.6       Dhoni hit very hard ___ it was not a six!
aa.       But
b.b      Or
c.c       And
d.d      So

7.7       We went to Goa by air , ____ it saved a lot of time .
a.a       If
bb      So
c.c       But
d.d      Then

8.8       Always lock your door ____ you leave .
a.a       After
b.b      Before
c.c       Then
d.d      Yet

9.9       Hardy is fat ____ Laurel is thin .
a.a       And
bb.      But
c.c       So
d.d      Or

110.   Charley ___ his sister sang together.
a.a       And
b.b      But
c.c       Or
dd.  for 



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