How to write an impressive Notice

What is Notice ? A notice is a formal means of communication . It is a formal display of information, meant for a selected group . It is either displayed at prominent places or published in news paper/ magazines .Its tone and style is formal and factual . It is always simple , formal . brief and to the point. Points to ponder : 1. Notice should be written in a box. 2. Notice should give complete information . 3. It should be in formal tone . 4. It should be simple , clear and brief . 5. Should adhere to the word limit. 6. Name of the organisation /institution should be mentioned. 7. Write date /month/year 8. The word ''Notice ''should be written just under the name of institution . 9. Give a suitable heading . 10. Clearly mention the target group. 11. Mention whom to contact for extra information . 12. Signature , name and designation of the person issuing the notice . Few samples ...