NOUN [ THE NUMBERS ] by bo$ki
Today I am going to talk about Nouns [ the numbers ]. There are two numbers in English language
Singular and plural .'' Singular'' denotes one or single and preceded by a or an . Plural denotes more than one or many .
1.) And generally to make noun plural we add ''s '' to the singular noun .
1.) And generally to make noun plural we add ''s '' to the singular noun .
lets take some examples :
Singular Plural
a key two keys
a car four cars
a watch three watches
Here you must have observed that in third example I have used ''es '' instead of ''s'' ....but why ?
2.) Answer is, when the noun ends with [ ch / sh / s or x ]'' es '' is added to the noun to make it plural
for eg : singular plural
box boxes
gas gases
dish dishes
match matches etc .
3.) The singular noun ending with ''0'' also make plural by adding ''es''
for eg : singular plural
cargo cargoes
negro negroes
potato potatoes
volcano volcanoes etc .
* But few nouns ending with ''0'' merely add '' s''
for eg : singular plural
piano pianos
photo photos
ratio ratios
dynamo dynamos
commando commandos etc
4.) Nouns ending with ''y'' , preceded by a consonant ,form their plural by changing ''y'' into ''ies''
for eg : singular plural
baby babies
pony ponies
army armies
company companies
city cities etc.
5.) When the noun ends with '' f '' or ''fe'' , the ''f' '' changes into '' v'' and adding ''es''
for eg : singular plural
shelf shelves
scarf scarves
leaf leaves
knife knives
wife wives etc.
Few exceptional nouns which end with '' f '' or '' fe '' but need not to convert into ''v'' to make it plural ,they only need ''s''to be added
for eg : singular plural
chief chiefs
cliff cliffs
proof proofs
gulf gulfs etc .
Few nouns which can use both ways ''s'' or '' v+es ''to make them plural
for eg : singular plural
dwarf dwarfs / dwarves
scarf scarfs / scarves
wharfs wharves
hoof hooves
6.) Few nouns form their plurals by changing vowel of the noun :
for eg : singular plural
foot feet
mouse mice
goose geese etc.
7.) Some nouns have singulars and plurals alike
for eg : sheep / deer /aircraft / species /series
dozen / pair / score / gross/ hundred etc .
8.) Some nouns are used only in plural forms :
for eg : scissors / spectacles / tongs / jeans /tights
shorts / trousers / drawers etc .
9.) Few nouns form their plurals by adding ''en'' or ''ren ''
for eg : singular plural
Ox Oxen
Child Children
10.) The plurals of some compound words are formed by adding '' s'' to the principal word
for eg : singular plural
Son - in - law Sons -in - law
Step- son Step- sons
Passer - by Passers - by
Maid - servant Maid - servants etc .
Soon I'll be back with some interesting exercises of NOUNS - THE NUMBER
Till then enjoy and do practice former exercises to stay in tune
NOUNS [ PRACTICE SHEET -6 ] by bo$ki
A. Write the plurals of the following :
- toy 21. piano
- bus 22. footman
- nose 23. army
- glass 24. calf
- moon 25. loaf
- match 26. week
- reindeer 27. tomato
- tax 28. dozen
- bunch 29. mango
- house 30. year
- rupee 31. apple
- life 32. kilo
- office 33. fish
- toffee 34. lamp
- wife 35. buffalo
- bread 36. duty
- elf 37. fly
- bell 38. pear
- city 39. habit
- king 40. wolf
1. I saw a _______ in the paddock . [ horses ]
2. The ______ looks clear today. [ skies]
3. Today I will learn to tie my ____ laces. [ shoes]
4. Don't use ______ as it can cause skin cancer. [ shampoos]
5. This is my favourite _______. [ photographs ]
6. My _____ is paining a lot . [ teeth]
7. He described Aru ______ as beautiful as no one could .[ vallies]
8. Can you please comb your _____ . [ hair ]
9. Have you ever seen any _____ in your lifetime . [ dwarves]
10. Do you have any _______ for this disease .[ remedies ]
NOUNS [ PRACTICE SHEET - 7 ] by bo$ki
A. Underline the noun and replace or rectify it according to its suitability :
1.] The lion sat under the trees because it was hot .
2.] The monkey was nearly asleep on the branches of the tree.
3.] Answer these question correctly .
4.] Two little dicky bird sat on a wall.
5.] Yesterday , I saw colourful fishes .
6.] Can I borrow your pair of spectacle today ?
7.] The sheeps grazed in the green meadows.
8.] look ! a mice is there at the corner of the room .
9.] The waiter put all the knife on the table .
10. My mother asked me to bring her the scissor .
B. Change the following plural nouns into singular :
- Men - of - war
- cattle
- gentry
- measles
- handkerchiefs
- stepsons
- Elves
- logos
- Oxen
- loaves
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