
Showing posts from October, 2017

Reported speech [ direct and indirect speech ] by bo$ki

Reported speech  Read the given sentences carefully : 1. Sarika said , '' I am weak in English ''. [ direct speech ] 2. Sarika said that she was weak in English . [ Indirect speech ] There are two ways to convey a particular statement : 1. Direct speech :  Quoting  exactly the same words spoken by the speaker . as in sentence 1 , given above . In this type of speech  , the actual statement or words spoken by the narrator  is quoted within inverted commas . 2. Indirect speech : Conveying the same message without using the exact words spoken by the speaker . as in sentence 2 , given above . In this type of speech , there is no requirement of inverted commas . instead conjunction '' that '' is used after reporting verb . Rules for changing Direct speech into Indirect speech  A .  The tense may not change if the statement is a universal truth , habitual fact or a proverb . for...

Paragraph writing [ The most memorable day of my life ] by bo$ki

The memorable day of my life ' ''memories need to cherish , memories are so divine , everyone has one or the other ,today let me treasure mine ''  I still remember that enchanting  echo beneath my eardrum , when I entered the auditorium for my final vault .  What a warm welcome it was ! ... an unbeatable huge, loud ,round of applause , thousands of spectators ,expecting the best out of me. After consistent  hard work and devotion , I qualified two rounds ...and now it was my final vault to go . My heart was in my mouth , it was like a pie in the sky to win , cause my competitor was one of the best gymnast around the world and was  almost impossible to beat his score . '' You can do it ''! I heard somewhere loud . Those words of my Mom ..played the magic and with deep breath I immediately reciprocated . That was my one of the best vault . I can never forget that shimmer of tears  in the eyes of my mom on my first ever victory . I wa...

Conjuctions by bo$ki

CONJUNCTIONS What are Conjunctions ? Read the following sentences carefully : 1.        Three and three makes six. 2.        He is very rich but he is not happy. 3.        I read the paper because it interests  me. In sentence 1 , word “and” joins two words . In sentence 2, word ‘’ but’’ joins two  clauses. In sentence 3, word ‘’because’’ joins one dependent clause to the main clause  .  Here the words  – and , but and because play the role of linkers or connectors , which help to link words , phrases and clauses together. Definition : ‘’A Conjunction is a word which merely joins words , phrases and clauses together ‘’. They are also known as Linkers, Connectors or joining words. Basically Conjunctions helps us to avoid the usage of multiple short sentences to express a complex idea . For example  - I like drawing . I li...